Quick Overview
Purpose of Insurance is ‘Punarnava’ – in case of any eventualities if the asset or property is lost or damaged, to be reinstated with new for old, that is Punarnava”.
Contact Info
3rd Floor, Balakrishna Towers,
Udupi - 576 101 Karnataka, India

Punarnava Insurance Brokers

Commercial General Liability

Our home is our sanctuary, the one place we want to feel safe and secure, away from the chaos of the outside world. None of us like to think of the possibility of someone breaking in, rifling through our things and taking whatever valuables they can get their hands on. Here comes the importance of Burglary insurance. This insurance help you to claim your loses against loss or damage resulting from or following the unlawful breaking and entering of designated premises or places of safekeeping.

If you come home to find your house in disarray after a break in, or even if it isn’t, but you suspect something isn’t right, don’t touch anything. Call the emergency services using your mobile or a neighbour’s phone.

Once the authorities are finished contact your insurance company, ideally within 24 hours, to start the claims process. Your insurance company may send out a claims adjuster to view the damage so follow any instructions from them to keep proof of the break in and the damage done intact until they can see it.